Due to social distancing guidelines surrounding COVID-19, we’re moving our professional development for educators online! Join the Kansas City Fed this summer for live webinars on a variety of topics that are free to K-16 educators. All will include highlights of current trends, first-hand updates from subject matter experts and access to a variety of teacher tools and resources, all related to economics and personal finance.

We hope to see you at any or all of the series, hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City in partnership with Emporia State University’s (ESU) Center for Economic Education. More depth and a graduate credit option of 1 to 3 credit hours will be available from ESU (more details will be provided after registration. Check out the topics we’ll be covering below!

Registration: There is no cost to attend but advance registration is required for the live webinars through the links below.


RegisterJune 19:

10-11 am
The T in STEM: Technology Jobs of the Future
Explore how emerging technology has and is transforming the workforce to create innovative career pathways, as well as how schools have approached technology-related workforce training, especially in the wake of COVID-19.
RegisterJune 24:

10-11:30 am

The Culture of Poverty: Its Effect on Youth and Education
Investigate how socio-economic scarcity manifests in the lives and learning capacity of youth, as well as how support systems within the community and education system offer assistance, advocacy and programs to promote financial sustainability.
RegisterJuly 8:

10–11 am

Preparing Students for a Workforce in Transition: Insights on Labor Market Trends and Opportunities
Delve into the latest analysis of employment and unemployment trends, and explore the effect of recent labor force trends on future employment prospects.
 RegisterJuly 15:

10–11 am
The Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Food and Energy
Hear from Fed economists about how COVID-19 has affected food supply chains and energy prices, and what this means to consumers.
 RegisterJuly 22:

10–11 am
Preparing Students for a Workforce in Transition: Connecting Schools and Employers
Learn about organizations that partner students with businesses and how apprenticeships and other career development programs collaborate with schools to provide hands-on training to prepare students for the labor force.
 RegisterJuly 29:

10–11 am
Preparing Students for a Workforce in Transition: Equipping Educators with Tools and Resources
Access timely information and classroom-ready resources that support career pathway instruction, work-readiness training and related curricula.

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Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took